The Horse – A Creature of Habit

Jennifer Little BSc Hons MSc RNutr PgCert Equinutrition Independent Equine Nutritionist   The phrase “creatures of habit” has frequently been applied to the horse, and where it comes to their digestive system this is certainly true. A horses digestive system can...

Box Rest & Hindgut Health

Jennifer Little BSc Hons MSc RNutr PgCert Equinutrition Independent Equine Nutritionist The horses hindgut The horses hindgut is a complex section of the digestive system, it is nearly 30ft in length, comprising of the cecum, small and large colon and the rectum...

Mini Article: What Is Fibre?

Jennifer Little BSc Hons MSc RNutr, Equinutrition, Independent Equine Nutritionist Fibre is a major nutrient for horses that is broken down by microbes in the hindgut. These microbes convert fibre into Volatile Fatty Acids, which are then used for energy. It is...

Spring, Hindgut and Behaviour

Jennifer Little BSc Hons MSc RNutr, Equinutrition, Independent Equine Nutritionist During spring, many horses’ behaviour can appear to revert to that of an overly enthusiastic teenager. There are multiple factors that occur as we head into the year, which can...